Queens Intergroup is especially grateful for the community |
spirit shown again by Our Savior Lutheran School in |
enabling us to provide a safe and sober environment for the |
holidays. |
The QIAA 2003 Sharathons will be held at: |
Our Savior Lutheran School |
64-33 Woodhaven Boulevard |
(between 65th Avenue and 64th Road). |
The school is also the location of the Lighthouse |
and Forest Hills Survivors Groups. |
Dates and times are: |
6:00 P.M. Wednesday November 26
10:00 P.M. Sunday November 30
4:00 P.M. Wednesday December 24
10:00 P.M. Thursday January 1
As always meetings go on around the clock. |
Organization meetings will be held at Our Savior |
School at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday November 16 |
and December 14. |