In order to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic and to those of us in recovery, Q.I.A.A. -- in accordance with A.A.'s Twelve Traditions and Concepts of Service -- has as its primary purpose:
• Telephone inquiries are to be answered by a recovering alcoholic. The Q.I.A.A. number will be listed in the Queens telephone directory. Meeting information and 12 step referrals will be made from lists obtained from all Queens area groups and maintained up-to-date. It is the first priority of Q.I.A.A. to establish "live" 24 hour phone response, and to provide participating groups with an "overnight" book.
• A program exchange meeting and Intergroup Delegates meeting will be held in Queens for each quarter at which groups may exchange meetings with other groups and participate in Q.I.A.A. affairs.
• Publish and distribute up-to-date lists of group meetings in Queens at regular intervals. Arrange for receipt and distribution of information about A.A. group events, e.g., group anniversaries, dinners, conventions, in Queens County.
• Establishment of appropriate committees under SENY guidelines including Institution & Treatment Facilities, Public Information, and Cooperation with Professional Community committees.
• Publication of a periodic newsletter.
Queens Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous is supported by contributions from the groups. It conducts a monthly business meeting.