We can quote numbers -- and we will -- |
but we don't think the spirit of fellowship and |
service exhibited at our Holiday Sharathons can |
be measured. We at Queens Intergroup are |
always struck by the enthusiasm and |
commitment Queens area Groups show in their |
effort to provide a safe and sober environment |
during the holidays.
As always the Groups are grateful for the |
community spirit shown by Our Saviour |
Lutheran School and Church in allowing us to |
use their facility. (A lot of us remember those |
cold nights at the old Sharathons!) And thanks |
to those individual volunteers who mopped, set |
up and cleaned up. And to the Lighthouse and |
Forest Hills Survivors Groups -- who normally |
meet at the school -- for their cooperation. |
As for the numbers: By the participating |
groups' own count at each meeting, 6408 people |
--2302 at Thanksgiving, 4106 at year end-- |
attended the 300 Sharathon meetings. Almost |
500 AA members signed up for 12 Step work. |
Fifty-four groups took commitments; every |
group kept their commitment. We were unable |
to count the smiles or weigh the gratitude. We've |
been saying to the Queens Groups, it's their |
Intergroup. It's certainly their Sharathon.