March 2004
We can quote numbers -- and we will --
but we don't think the spirit of fellowship and
service exhibited at our Holiday Sharathons can
be measured.  We at Queens Intergroup are
always struck by the enthusiasm and
commitment Queens area Groups show in their
effort to provide a safe and sober environment
during the holidays.
     As always the Groups are grateful for the
community spirit shown by Our Saviour
Lutheran School and Church in allowing us to
use their facility.  (A lot of us remember those
cold nights at the old Sharathons!) And thanks
to those individual volunteers who mopped, set
up and cleaned up. And to the Lighthouse and
Forest Hills Survivors Groups -- who normally
meet at the school -- for their cooperation.
     As for the numbers: By the participating
groups' own count at each meeting, 6408 people
--2302 at Thanksgiving, 4106 at year end--
attended the 300 Sharathon meetings.  Almost
500 AA members signed up for 12 Step work.
Fifty-four groups took commitments; every
group kept their commitment. We were unable
to count the smiles or weigh the gratitude. We've
been saying to the Queens Groups, it's their
Intergroup. It's certainly their Sharathon.


     Queens area members have been suggesting for
some time that QIAA and the Queens Groups hold a
mid-year event.
     At the January QIAA business meeting, the
QIAA Board decided to explore the possibility of a
Summer Sharaday to be held in conjunction with
the June 5 Exchange and Delegates Meetings.
     An all day schedule as well as lunch is being
     It's hoped that if the event generates enough
interest, we would rotate it throughout Queens areas
in the ensuing years if suitable facilities can be found
     The Board is searching for a location in
Southeast Queens for the first Summer Sharaday
     Hopefully, final word will be available at the March 6 Exchange and Delegates Meeting.
     Thanks to the response by Queens groups to our
appeal this fall and to the generosity of those
attending the Sharathon,  QIAA ended the year
slightly above even -- $287 to the good. This is after
a transfer of $1000 to our Prudent Reserve -- our
first contribution there in several years.  The
recommended reserve for an Intergroup is one year.
Ours is only at the nine month level.  The annual
report appears on the reverse side of this newsletter.
The QIAA Treasurer emphasized that our
continued financial viability depends on long term,
regular financial commitments from Queens groups
not one-time appeals or events.
 Our PI Chair advises that the Spring months are
 the busiest for speakers at health fairs, schools and
 other public forums
March 2004
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