August 2006

It is mid-summer and the volunteers at Queens Intergroup have been busy.

The phone volunteers are doing a great job.  Answering the 24/7 hotline is part of what we do here at QIAA.  I've been answering the phones for several years now. It is a fundamental way to get involved in Twelfth Step work.  If you would like to be a part of this valuable service, then please join us.

Or consider chairing one of our many Institutional meetings. If you can't chair a meeting on a regular basis, you can be a guest speaker.  Contact us.  We appreciate hearing from you.  Have a safe and sober vacation.


When A.A. was founded by Bill W. and Dr. Bob, the first place they went to carry the message was a hospital.  That was how A.A. began to expand and get bigger.

A.A. of Greater New York sponsors 500 institutional meetings a week.  Yet it seems that A.A. is in the dinosaur age.  The new people who should be taking commitments and getting involved are not coming forward.

We now have to turn away institutions because we don't have the people to chair the meetings.  The people who are carrying the message into the institutions are doing more than their share.

As for me, the first place that I spoke at was an institution, the Nassau County Jail, over 24 years ago.  I've been involved with institutions ever since.  Speaking in an institution enables me to be grateful for what I have.  It helps me get out of myself and it has made me grow in areas that I thought were impossible.
Please help so that the Institutions Committee doesn't become extinct.  We have enough A.A. members in New York so that nobody should be overburdened.  Get involved at your local area institutions meeting.  Ask if your home group has a Group Institutions Representative.  If it doesn't, take the commitment.  Don't be a dinosaur.

With gratitude, Frank R.

MIDDLE VILLAGE: The Middle Village Men's Group, which met on Thursdays at 7:30 P.M. at Community United Methodist Church, 75-27 Metropolitan Avenue, no longer meets.

ST. ALBANS: The St. Albans Group has changed the time of Monday's Open meeting to 7:30 P.M. This is now the only meeting on Monday and it becomes a Beginner's meeting on the first and third Mondays. Anniversaries are on the second and fourth Mondays. The Thursday meetings start at 7:00 P.M. and run until 8:30 P.M.


FOREST HILLS: Women Living in the Solution meets on Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. at St. Luke?s Church, 85 Greenway, off Ascan Avenue. You MUST obtain a Parking Pass at the meeting. This is a Closed meeting. The first Tuesday is a Step meeting.

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - this is the weekend AFTER Labor Day.
Exchange starts at 8:00 A.M.
Delegates starts at 9:30 A.M.
Location: All Saints Lutheran Church (Basement)
164-02 Goethals Avenue
At 164th St. on Goethals, South of Union Tpke.


RESOLUTION: To create a section in the QIAA newsletter and on the Web site titled: "Events Within the AA Community."

This section will contain information on upcoming events not directly associated with the AA service structure such as gatherings, workshops or conferences not operated by GSO, SENY, QCGSA or an intergroup. The opening statement will read: "This section is not endorsed by Queens Intergroup, nor does it represent Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole. We present this information as a service to the AA Community in Queens County."
August 2006
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