May 2006
Spring is here again, the St. Patrick and Easter Day
parades have passed, and friends and families are
preparing for the Memorial Day parades and barbecues.  The flowers are in full bloom.
Another years has passed and another anniversary for
myself and many others in the Fellowship.  The cakes are rolled in and cards and anniversary coins are given out to show the newcomer it CAN be done "one day at a time."
On that coin is A.A.'s three-sided legacy of Unity,
Service and Recovery.
The first part of the triangle is Unity.  The First Tradition states that "our common welfare should come first  Personal recovery depends on AA unity."  This means that we come to A.A. for our alcoholism and not any other addictions, which could divert us from our primary purpose which is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
The second part of the triangle is Service.  Every A.A.
member is doing service whether it is making the coffee before the meeting, speaking, chairing the meeting, or reading the secretary notes during the meeting, or putting a chair away after the meeting.  Even the person who comes to the meeting that does or says nothing is doing service.
The final part of A.A.'s legacy is Recovery.  There are
many tools on the road to recovery. The Twelve Steps and A.A. sponsorship are a big part of that journey.
All three parts of A.A.'s legacy are important to achieve sobriety and the A.A. promises of being happy, joyous and free.  Until next time, Goodbye!
In love and service, John R.
MIDDLE VILLAGE: The Middle Village Men's Meeting is a
Closed Topic meeting on Thursdays at 7:30 P.M., United Community Methodist Church, 75-27 Metropolitan Avenue.
Use the basement entrance.
ASTORIA: The Astoria Group has moved to St. Joseph's Church, 43rd St. and 30th Ave. Enter on 43rd St. Meeting times and types remain the same.
FLUSHING: Utopia has changed the Tuesday Closed meeting to a Step meeting. It starts at 7:00 P.M.
FLUSHING: Sanford has cancelled the Big Book meeting on Sundays at 3:00 P.M.
FLUSHING: Church on the Hill has reinstated the 8:30 Open Meeting on Mondays. The Saturday Step meeting at 7:00 P.M. becomes a Tradition meeting on the last Saturday.
FOREST HILLS: Women?s Room at Forest Hills Hospital no longer meets.
JAMAICA NORTH: Morning Madness no longer meets.
JAMAICA NORTH: The Safe Harbor Thursday Open meeting is now a Closed meeting. (7:00 P.M.)
LONG ISLAND CITY: It Works If You Work It does not meet on Monday. The Saturday meeting remains the same.
RICHMOND HILL: The Rich Haven Splinter Friday Open meeting now starts at 8:15 P.M.
RIDGEWOOD: The Glenridge Group has expanded the Tuesday 8:00 P.M. as follows: 1st & 3rd are Beginners; 2nd is a Step; 4th is a Tradition. Saturday 8:00 P.M. continues as an Open meeting.
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Exchange starts at 8:00 A.M.
Delegates starts at 9:30 A.M.
Location: All Saints Lutheran Church (Basement)
164-02 Goethals Avenue
At 164th St. on Goethals, South of Union Tpke.
May 2006
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