2002 Sharathon Location
Our search for a location for the 2002 Sharathon has been unsuccessful so far.
We really need help and suggestions here.
E-Mail: secretary@queensaa.org
By-Law Changes
At the September 7 Meeting, Delegates will decide on possible changes:
1-Literature Chair will become a non-voting Board Member to be appointed by the Office Manager.
2-New voting Member, Web Site Chair
3-Reduction in number of groups present at Delegates Meeting in order to conduct business.
Election of Officers
To be elected at the September 7 Delegates Meeting: Vice-Chairperson, Vice Treasurer,
Office Manager, Secretary, Web Site Chairperson. (If by-law change approved)
ZIP to a Meeting
*** New on our web page ***
WWW.QUEENSAA.ORG are meetings available by ZIP code.
Simply click on one of the ZIP Codes displayed and meetings in that area appear.
At the New Office
Meeting List and other QIAA information are now available on a desktop PC to our
office phone volunteers.
Financial Statement
Six-month statement appears on the other side of this newsletter.
Group Support
We are again grateful to report that 108 groups contributed to our financial support during 2001.
.....And Other Support
Although we received close to 100 Group Forms so far in 2002,
only 14 Groups listed 12 Step Volunteers.
In 2001 only 10 Groups responded to the 12 Step List.
Currently 278 grateful recovering alcoholics appear on our 12 Step List.
We know there are a lot more responsible AA members out there.
Remind your group to consider filling out the 12 Step list.
It appears on the opposite side of the Group Information Sheet.